As per the rules and policies of the institution, all the stakeholders have fair opportunity to access and use the physical, academic and support facilities of the college, like auditoriums, laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.


Cleaning and general maintenance of the classrooms and other physical spaces are done by dedicated staff on a regular basis.  The requirement for repair, maintenance, troubleshooting of equipment/ facilities are reported to the IQAC Coordinator by the concerned departments.  The IQAC Coordinator, in turn, will compile all such requirements and place before the IQAC members in the committee meeting for further deliberations and financial approval.  Once approved, the competent authority verifies the same and assigns the tasks to the concerned facility management department.

Utilization of Extraordinary Infrastructure

To avail and utilise special physical facility/infrastructure like seminar halls, auditoriums, conference halls, a request cum proposal is placed to the Principal for approval, through the Administrative Office.  On approval, the same is allotted to the concerned agency as per the policy in vogue.


List of new books requested by the Head of the Department in consultation with the Department Council and the Department Faculty is submitted to the Principal.  Once approved, the list is forwarded to the Librarian, for further submission to the Purchase Committee. The use of library and its facilities is governed by the rules of the Library.

ICT Facilities

The ICT smart classrooms and all those computer related facilities are maintained by the technically skilled experts appointed by the management.


Laboratories in various departments are directly under the custodianship of respective Departments and its heads. Lab maintenance staff is responsible for regular maintenance of facilities. Rules and regulations to utilize them are displayed at prominent places in the laboratories.

Sports Complex

The use and training of sports facilities regularly takes place in the sports complex under the supervision of Physical Education Director with the association of Physical Education Instructors and coaches, to ensure efficient utilization of sports infrastructure.