List of Important Research Publications:
Gopal, J., P.C. Gaur and M.S. Rana, 1992. Early generation selection for agronomic characters in a potato breeding programme. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84: 709-713.
Gopal, J. 1994. Flowering behaviour, male sterility and berry setting in tetraploid Solanum tuberosum germplasm. Euphytica germplasm. Euphytica 72: 133-142.
Gopal, J., P.C. Gaur and M.S. Rana, 1994. Heritability, and intra- and inter- generation associations between tuber yield and its components in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Plant Breeding 112: 80-83.
Gopal, J. 1997. Progeny selection for agronomically important characters in early generations of potato breeding programmes. Theor. Appl. Genet. Theor. Appl. Genet. 95: 307-311.
Gopal, J. and J.L. Minocha, 1997. Effectiveness of selection at microtuber crop level in potato. Plant Breeding and J.L. Minocha, 1997. 116: 293-295.
Gopal, J. and J.L. Minocha, 1997. Genetic divergence for cross prediction in potato. Euphytica and J.L. Minocha, 1997. 97: 269-275.
Gopal, J., J.L. Minocha and J. S. Sidhu, 1997. Comparative performance of potato crops raised from microtubers induced in dark versus microtubers induced in light. Potato Res. 40: 407-412.
Gopal, J. 1998. General combining ability and its repeatability in early generations of potato breeding programmes. Potato Res. 41: 21-28.
Gopal, J. 1998. Heterosis and combining ability analysis for resistance to early blight (Alternaria solani) in potato. Potato Res. 41: 311-317.
Gopal, J. 1998. Identification of superior parents and crosses in potato breeding programmes. Theor. Appl. Genet. Theor. Appl. Genet. 96: 287-293.
Gopal, J. and J.L. Minocha, 1998. Effectiveness of and J.L. Minocha, 1998. Effectiveness of in vitro selection for agronomic characters in potato. Euphytica 103: 67-74.
Gopal, J., J.L. Minocha and H.S. Dhaliwal, 1998. Microtuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Plant Cell Reports 17: 794-798.
Gopal, J., G.S. Chahal and J.L. Minocha, 2000. Progeny mean, heterosis and heterobeltiosis in Solanum tuberosum x tuberosum and S. tuberosum x andigena families under a short day sub-tropic environment. Potato Res. 43: 61-70.
Gopal, J. 2001. In vitro and in vivo genetic parameters and character association in potato. Euphytica 118: 145-151.
Gopal, J., Raj Kumar and GS Kang. 2002. Effectiveness of using a minitubers crop for selection for agronomic characters in potato breeding programmes. Potato Res. 45: 145-151
Gopal, J., Anjali Chamail and D. Sarkar. 2002. Slow-growth in vitro conservation of potato gemplasm at normal propagaton temperature. Potato Res. 45: 203-213.
Gopal, J. and B.P. Singh. 2003/04. Screening potatoes for resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) under field conditions. Potato Res. 46: 47-56.
Gopal, J., Anjali Chamail and D. Sarkar. 2004. In vitro production of microtubers for conservation of potato germplasm: Effect of genotype, abscisic acid and sucrose. In Vitro Celluar and Development Biology –Plant 40: 485-490.
Gopal, J. and K. Oyama. 2005. Genetic base of Indian potato selections as revealed by pedigree analysis. Euphytica 142: 23-31.
Kumar, R and J. Gopal. 2006. Repeatability of progeny mean, combining ability, heterosis and heterobeltiosis in early generations of a potato breeding programme. Potato Res. 49: 131-141.
Gopal, J. and K. Iwama. 2007. In vitro screening against water-stress mediated through sorbitol and polyethylene glycol. Plant Cell Reports 26: 693-700.
Gopal, J., K. Iwama and Y.Jitsuyama. 2008. Effect of water stress mediated through agar on in vitro growth of potato. In vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 44: 221-228.
Gopal, J., V. Kumar and S.K. Luthra. 2008. Top-cross vs. poly-cross as alternative to test-cross for estimating the general combining ability in potato. Plant Breeding 127: 441-445.
Tiwari J. K., Poonam, D. Sarkar, S.K. Pandey, J. Gopal and S. Raj Kumar. 2010. Molecular and morphological characterization of somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum L and S. etuberosum Lindl. Plant Cell Tiss. Organ Cult. 103: 175-187.
Gopal, J. and Nain S. Chauhan 2010. Slow-growth in vitro conservation of potato germplasm at low temperature. Potato Research 53: 141-145.
Kumar, R., G.S. Kang, S.K. Pandey and J. Gopal. 2011. Genetic base and relatedness of Indian early maturing potato (Solanum tuberosum) selections. J. Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 149: 217-225.
Sarkar. D., Jagesh K. Tiwari, Sushruti Sharma, Poonam, Sanjeev Sharma, J. Gopal, B.P. Singh, S.K. Luthra, S.K. Pandey and D. Pattanayak. 2011. Production and characterization of somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum L. and S. pinnatisectum Dun. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 107: 427-440.
Patil V.U., J. Gopal and B.P. Singh. 2012. Improvement for bacterial wilt resistance in potato by conventional and biotechnological approaches. Agricultural Research 1: 299-316
Gopal, J. V. Kumar, R. Kumar and P. Mathur. 2013. Comparison of different approaches to establish a core collection of Andigena (Solanum tuberosum Group Andigena) potatoes. Potato Res 56: 85-98.
Gawande, S.J., V.S. Gurav, A.A. Ingle and J. Gopal. 2014. First report of Leek yellow stripe virus infecting Allium sativum in westrn India. Plant Disease. 98: 1015.
Anandan S., S.R. Mote and J. Gopal. 2104. Evaluation of onion varietal identity using SSR markers. Seed Sci. & Technology. 42: 279-285.
Gawande, S.J., V.S. Gurav, A.A. Ingle and J. Gopal. 2014. First report of Iris yellow spot virus infecting Allium tuberosum in India. Plant Disease. 98: 1161.
Gopal, J. 2014. Heterosis breeding in potato. Agricultural Research 3: 204-217.
Gawande, S.J., V.S. Gurav, A.A. Ingle D.P. Martin, R. Ashokan and J. Gopal. 2015. Sequence analysis of Indian Iris yellow spot virus ambisense genome segments: evidence of interspecies RNA recombination. Archives of Virology, DOI:10.1007/s00705-015-2354.
Uchino H., K. Iwama, Y. Jitsuyama, T. Yudate, S. Nakamura and J. Gopal. 2015. Interseeding a cover crop as a weed management tool is more compatible with soyabean than with maize in organic farming systems. Plant Production Sci. 18: 187-196.
Gopal, J. 2015. Challenges and way-forward in selection of superior parents, crosses and clones in potato breeding. Potato Res. 58: 165-188.